Your Master Psychic Guide

Palm Readings

Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced worldwide, with history in Indian, Mayan and Egyptian astrology. The Palm Reader studies your palm and gives insights to character or future.Each hand shape is associated with certain character traits. Your Palm Reader will explain each detail during your reading. Palm reading can be entertaining, insightful and fun.For females the right hand characterizes what you were born with. The left hand is what you’ve accumulated during your lifetime.For males it’s the opposite, the left hand characterizes what you were born with. The right hand is what you’ve accumulated during your lifetime. It can also be the dominant hand, which can be your present/past life hand and the least dominant hand could be your future life hand.

Your Palm Reader will identify the four major lines.

The heart line.
The head line.
The life line.
The fate line (Not everyone has a fate line.

The heart line is read by your Palm Reader who uses this line to discover romantic perspectives, depression, cardiac health and emotions.The head line represents communication style, intellect, thirst for knowledge and learning style. This line is usually curved and is associated with creative and spontaneous results. A straight line is linked to practical and structured characteristics.The life line reflects physical health, general well being, and major life changes. Its length is not associated with length of life.The fate line is also known as the line of destiny. It indicates the degree to which a person's life is affected by external circumstances beyond their control. Begins at the base of the palm.